5 Key Factors to Consider When Localizing Your Website for International Markets

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Author Scott Whatley
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Websites play a crucial role in a company’s success. Still, to conquer international markets, your website must feel natural to your intended target audience. 

This is where website localization enters the picture. Website localization involves translating content and adjusting the functionality or components to better suit the target audience in terms of language and culture.

Using apt software 

When it comes to conquering foreign markets, localization software, such as Centus can be an invaluable asset. Smart automation it’s able to make the translation process easier and more efficient while helping to maintain consistency and accuracy. Using cloud-based localization software will give you more control over the translation process, with all its essential nuances. 

The importance of translation

To connect with someone of a different culture, especially if your goal is to turn them into your customer, a literal translation can hardly make the cut. To start translating your website, you must first determine the target languages and identify the pages and components that need to be translated.

People Talking in Different Languages

In the case of website localization, each of your pages needs to meet the expectations of your target audiences across the globe. In other words, to localize a website successfully, companies must adapt their content so that it’s more relevant and suitable to their new target customers. Different markets will also call for unique promotion strategies. Even subtleties, like the tone and vocabulary of brand communications, may need to be revised for international expansion.

This means that localizing your website makes it necessary to adjust your message so that it is as natural for your new potential customers as the original is for its audience. If you want your message to have the same impact as the original, you should seek the assistance of professional translators.

Cultural differences

When you’re trying to localize your website for international markets, you will need to think about things you might not have considered while conquering your local market. Many small things may seem insignificant in your country but impact a foreign culture

For instance, even your logo’s color scheme or slogan could be off-putting to potential customers from certain cultural backgrounds. Research is essential since success in one country is no guarantee of success in another.

This is why, aside from modifying the text, you may have to modify other elements as well, depending on the target audience, their beliefs, expectations, habits, etc. It’s a good idea to use localized formatting for dates, names, phone numbers, etc., and to show prices in the local currency and units of measurement when selling internationally.

Some other factors that you should keep in mind when localizing your website include the following:

Keep these factors in mind to ensure you appeal to your new target audience and prevent offending people and harming your brand reputation. Emphasizing and adapting company values is important to acquire an edge over the competition in the new market. If your target demographic shares your worldview, they will be more invested in what you have to say and more willing to give your business a chance.

Regional and international competition

To stay ahead of your competitors, you’ll need to get creative. Think about ways to improve your product or service by filling a void that other companies haven’t addressed for their customers. 

Simple adjustments, such as better website design, can go a long way toward establishing trust with your new audience. Providing a positive customer service experience is also crucial if you want people to choose your brand over the competition. 

Internet access in your target markets

It is essential to know the target culture and its position concerning internet access before designing a global website. It’s important to remember that in countries with slower connections than, for example, the U.S., it may be difficult to view a web page heavy on graphics and animation when it’s displayed on a computer screen. As a result, the time required for the identical page to display correctly could increase by several seconds, if not minutes. 


Finding the right methods to localize your website is crucial if you are trying to expand to international markets. A good website localization strategy will help you generate culturally pertinent and engaging content, giving your audience the best possible online brand experience. This will help you connect with your new audience, build trust and establish yourself as an authority on the new market.

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