About Us
Mambo is the leading comparison website in the hosting, website, VPN & CMS market. We try to write un-biased reviews and comparisons, so you as the end-user can make wise decisions.

Founded back in 2017, the website has served over 10 million unique visitors to date and counting.
During all this time, we always tried our best to simplify the process of choosing a hosting provider that’s both reliable and able to offer the most bang for your buck.

Picking the right hosting provider can be a grueling process if you’re not very familiar with how these companies operate. But that doesn't mean you have to go through this process alone.
Our writers have years of first-hand experience dealing with all the most popular hosting providers out there and are dedicated to helping you out.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of choosing the first company that makes a tempting offer but we know better than that. Great offers always have strings attached to them and we’re here to make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into.
We here at MamboServer love to delve into the nitty gritty and carefully analyze what each company has to offer so you don’t have to.
That way, you can make a well-informed decision and pick the provider that works best for you without having to spend hours upon hours researching all of them yourself. Leave that to us, that’s what we’re here for.

We strongly encourage feedback from our users so if there’s something that you would like to see changed in order to improve your experience then please let us know.

You may notice that we use affiliate links in our articles. Our affiliate partners share with us a portion of the revenue they generate whenever we send new customers their way. This is a practice that’s commonplace on websites across a wide variety of industries and will not affect your experience in any way. These links are merely a way to help us stay afloat and provide us with the resources needed to continue maintaining and expanding our website. Despite using affiliate links, you can rest assured knowing that we treat all companies equally and don’t promote certain hosting providers over others.